
Hey thanks for checking out my blog!

My name is Stacey Brown and I am the author of the ever so popular blog site entitled CharityStace.wordpress.com (by popular I mean at good 50-75 views each time I blog and a strong 3-7 daily when I don’t)

Basically I write about whatever I want… but as of late it has been mostly about visiting Haiti and the aftermath, both for the nationals and for me personally. I volunteer as a nurse with an organization called Samaritan’s Purse and am honoured to work along side of them to bring hope and life to the people of Haiti… More often than not what ends up happening is hope and life being restored to my own soul as well. I consider it an unlimited blessing.

I used to write about my life as a nurse and even though words were chosen as carefully as possible it is a skate on some pretty thin ice and instead of jeopardizing my career I will save those stories for a less public audience.

Happy reading! If you like what you read and want to keep updated there is a subscribe button in the upper right corner. Also feel free to share this blog with your family and friends. Yeah, it is nice to see that spike in my stats graphic chart letting me know that readership is up but most important is keeping the needs of Haiti fresh in our hearts.

Because they still need you.

One Love.

Please consider a donation to help with my February 2011 trip to Haiti:


  1. Stacey You are doing God’s work. I am praying for you .

  2. Hi Stacey,
    I saw your picture in the LFP yesterday. If you remember me – you cared for my mother Helen in CCTC last year. I think mom was your first patient! She loved you so much – especially your back rubs. I loved seeing your face when I entered to visit – it always made me feel at ease to know that you were there caring for my mom. On nights when I was particularly worried about mom’s condition – you would call me if you went on break so that you wouldn’t miss talking to me. You were definitely one of our favourites! Losing mom in January this year after such a long battle, is a pain that I’m still struggling with daily. Seeing your picture yesterday brought back so many happy memories of the triumphs that mom made along her journey and I was proud to say that you were part of that journey. You are truly a caring person of God! I know the M&M’s and tomatoes from my dad were an incentive too! (ha ha) Keep doing good work Stacey – God will lead you where you need to be! I saw Karen Hughes last week at church. She is in Haiti now and I think of her every day and pray for her. Thank you for everything that you did for my mom and for the work that you do in God’s name. Blessings to you and your family. With a gracious heart,
    Joanne Gyurki and family (Ed, Steve and his family) XOXOXXO

    • Hi Joanne,
      I do indeed remember you and your family. Thank you for looking up the blog and taking the time to post such a loving comment. I was sorry to hear of your moms passing but rejoice in knowing that her suffering had come to an end.
      I think of you and your family often… such a loving family to care for as my first assignment to the new job! I knew I was surrounded with love and peace.
      Because He Lives, xoxo

  3. Stacey,

    I happened on your blog via some friends of mine who will be going to Haiti in Jan. with SP. I know these gals from Mercy Ships, where I served as a nurse in Benin and Togo, West Africa for 12 months. Just wanted to say thank you for such a lovely blog (I scrolled back a little ways) and for sharing the stories of Haiti. I’m going through the whole reentry thing myself and it helps to read blogs like yours. I think one of the worst things about reentry is the feeling that no one else “gets it,” and no one else sees the world the way you do (which of course they don’t, having not been to Haiti/West Africa/wherever themselves). But you, obviously, “get it,” and I love seeing your heart and faith come through on your blog.

    If you have time, I would be interested in an email convo with you about your time with SP– although I’ve just started a new job here in the US, I saw some of my Mercy Ships friends doing some short-term things and it got me thinking about the possibility.

    Either way, thank you for your lovely blog.

    • Lindsay
      Thank you for the kind words!
      If it is not too late I would be happy to talk Haiti with you! Email me anytime and we can arrange a chat!

  4. […] About Posted by: Charity Stace | February 9, 2011 […]

  5. Stacey,
    Its been a while but but kiddo you have it . You have the Holy Spirit in you and you are His hands, feet and voice. When I met you in November, 2010, I knew you were special but when I saw you with the children of Haiti it was like hearing Jesus saying, let them come to me. You are So very Special and I am very glad to have met you. I leave for Haiti on May 14, 2011 for my third trip and pray that God will continue to guide me as well as he does you. I only want to do His will and I pray that I will always seek His face for all my journey’s. My prayers are with you. My Hospice patient, (Mr. D and the five stones) died 24 Dec.2010. I was with him and Blessed by his faith and I also know it is he and my birth father that are constantly working on God to get me to Haiti. the door has pened once again and I will follow Him whereever He leads me. God Bless you my Friend

  6. Hi Stacy,
    I *TOTALLY* love you for standing up for me on the VWM blog. I really do!
    I loved you as soon as I found out you went to Haiti w/ S.P. But standing up for me in the barrage of gunfire? Gutsy; girl!
    I would love to talk more! Would you email me?

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