Posted by: Charity Stace | August 21, 2010

Haiti… Love of My Life

Well week 2 is nearing an end. I can’t believe how time is flying by. I refuse to allow myself to feel the ache of longing in my heart until the very last moment… although I can already feel the tugs. That being said, sometimes I miss TV. Or having a lamp beside my bed. And sleeping in a full size bed that is not covered in mosquito netting. And waking up without itching from the bug bites. I miss toilets being available at my convenience and not having to train my bladder to hold until the shift is over.

I miss my kids and family.

I miss my friends.

I don’t like to dwell on those things too long because I think it is a dangerous place to let your mind wander into. I know that all those things I miss will be mine once more.

And today I realized that the same cannot be said for the little orphans that we visited today. And for many of the people of Haiti who suffered a devastating loss. And it saddens me that they are not given the opportunity to mourn and grieve the way we would in North America. But as they keep telling me, “This if life.”  And no matter how much I want for it not to be their life, it is the only life they have known.

Today when we were at the orphanage it was report card day. For the few fortunate kids who were able to afford to attend school it was a good day. The director of the orphanage we visited today was given boxes and boxes of medical supplies from another organization after the earthquake. And he has been trying to sell it so he can send 10 children to school. Not so that he can buy the latest computer or car or grown up toy but so he can send 10 children that are not even his flesh and blood, to school so their lives may be bettered.

For one child who lived next to the orphanage report card day did not fare out so well… He failed. And we all knew because we heard the kid get a beating. I’m talking serious get a branch off the tree whipping. And all of us ex-pats just stood looking at the Nationals wondering who was going to do something to stop it. And nobody moved an inch. In fact, many of them didn’t even flinch. We stood there with tears in our eyes as the poor child was screaming bloody murder and there was nothing we could do because, “This if Life.”

Ack! God is teaching me that I can’t fight every battle. And it is a hard lesson to learn.

Anyway tonight we are having a party for a few of the fella’s who are leaving tomorrow. So this is going to be short and sweet as the pool party starts in 5 minutes!


One Love

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