Posted by: Charity Stace | October 28, 2010

The Lottery

Ack. So much to say and get everyone caught up on.

And yet tonight all that is on my heart is Haiti.

So many thoughts going through my head… and so many tears falling down my face.

I can’t help but notice that Haiti has made the headlines again. Cholera outbreak. It seems the world only takes an interest when there is tragedy and despair. And part of me understands that… to most, Haiti is an unknown. It’s the place that an awful earthquake happened and claimed many lives. It was top headlines for CNN back when? Does anyone remember when the earthquake was? February? March? January 12. At suppertime. And don’t get me wrong – I was just as clueless. Living my life merrily without a second thought for a world unknown to me.

But now I know. And I can’t forget.

And sometimes I wish I could.

And there you have it. Mother Teresa Charity Stace sometimes wishes she had never gone to Haiti. Never been exposed to the hurts and suffering of this world. Never looked into the face of one who has suffered loss so much that theirs eyes are almost vacant…

But I did go. And I did see. And I cannot forget.

But the flip side to the hurt and suffering is the joy and gratitude. It’s knowing that you are making a difference in the lives of people who otherwise would not have the opportunity to be touched. It’s the running out of the van and jumping into a pile of hugs from the nationals. It’s the smiles and camaraderie  with staff and volunteers who are over the moon to get a piece of chocolate.

At work I have been collecting funds to help support the financial strain that these trips put on me. I will not begrudge it. But if someone wants to help with it I’ll gladly take it. It’s a hit to the ol’ pride to walk around with that little envelope and ask if they have had the opportunity to donate to the fund yet.

Don’t get me wrong, my colleagues have been very generous and I truly can not thank them enough. Truly – thank you. Your donations have purchased many vitamins, slow-k, zinc and crafts for the orphanages!

That being said – another staff member was collecting funds tonight. For the lotto max. And I can almost guarantee you that in the 12 hour time span the funds going into that envelope far surpassed the funds going into mine. That’s the part that gets me. How we can so easily throw money into a pot just on the possibility of further gain and yet when opportunity is given to give selflessly it almost comes as a burden? We have this mentality of ‘what’s in it for me?’ (please notice that I am using the word WE)

Okay. I know… pack your bags we’re going on a guilt trip.

So anyway… how do you like the new blog? I wish I could say that I have been busy getting this lovely new blog site together and that is why I have not updated but it would be a lie. Truth is that sometimes blogging is exhausting. My goal for this blog is to not always make you cry. Sometimes I would like you to laugh out loud or get fired up or even just say a prayer… But mostly to inspire you to remember that there is a world outside the world beyond your comfort.

Oh and by the way, I have to admit… I put my money in for the lotto max. Yeah, that WE bit wasnt just for show.

One Love.


  1. Hope you have seriously stepped back from this attitude.

    • What attitude are you speaking of Cathy?
      There’s a term for it: it’s called re-entry shock. It’s the emotions people deal with when they return to their blessed lives after a trip to a third world country. It’s not an easy transition to go from visiting mass grave sites one day, and back to the embarrassment of riches we have here in North America the next.
      Don’t be offended by what you do not understand.

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