Posted by: Charity Stace | May 8, 2011

My Cup Runneth Over

So last year I had the honour of being in Haiti for mothers day. It was my first ever Mothers Day away from my children, but being able to teach them about selflessness made the absence worth it. I also missed spending the day with my own Mama but was able to surprise the family with a video skype call! (Don’t worry SP, I am sure this is not why your internet crashed…)

Three months later I was back in Haiti and this time missed my mom’s birthday. Not a great track record.

This year, although I will be home in Ontario, I will once again not be spending the day with my kidlets or my mama… duty calls and I will be ‘mothering’ the sick for 12 hours. I could begrudge it but I am thankful for the opportunity to show love in the same manner that it has so freely been bestowed upon me.

Every time I gift my mom with something I have a choice to make: I can make a purchase and she will gush over it and tell me I shouldn’t have or I try to stir some creative juices and come up with something a little more personal and creative…

Many years ago my mom and I watched a movie called ‘Hope Floats…’ In this movie there is a very public divorce, followed by depression and a daughter discovering her mother’s love… (not to mention the steamy Harry Connick Jr plays a leading role – mmm mmm mmm sweet sugar pie). There was one line in the movie… ‘My Cup Runneth Over‘ which speaks of the love they have for each other. My mom and I lived hours away from each other during this time but every time we would visit each other one of us who hide a little note with only four words; My Cup Runneth Over. Sometimes I would find it under my pillow after she left, or I would sneak it in her purse. I once found it in my nursing textbook. One Christmas I had it engraved on a pendant.

My mom was with me the day both my children were born. I will never forget the moment in the delivery room when I asked her if she wanted to hold her granddaughter for the very first time and with tears in her eyes she said,  ‘Me?’  As if to say, ‘You are choosing me to hold her at this very moment so soon after she has just entered the world?’

I have thought about that many times over the years. I often thought it strange that she would think I would invite her to be with us when the babies were born but yet not allow her to hold them in her arms? I wondered if it was because as my mother she was a shoo in to join us in the delivery room, almost as if no choice had to be made, it was assumed. But after being with us and witnessing such an intimate moment, to then be invited to share in our joy – that was my choice.  One I would make again and again.

Not just that day, but every day. My choice would be my mom. Thick or thin, good and bad. 

‘Childhood is what you spend the rest of your life trying to overcome, that’s what momma always says. She says that beginnings are scary, endings are usually sad, but it’s the middle that counts the most. Try to remember that when you find yourself at a new beginning. Just give hope a chance to float up. And it will…’ ~ Hope Floats

My Cup Runneth Over… ♥

It’s all fun and games until somebody wets their pants…

One Love ♥


  1. Love the picture of you Rebecca and your momma Stace that laughter says it all.

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