Posted by: Charity Stace | August 27, 2010

Haiti – Ready for a Challenge?

Hey friends!

I might as well just say it since it’s on my mind non-stop: only 2 more sleeps.

In only 2 more sleeps I will be hugging my children, eating take-out, taking a hot shower, wearing perfume instead of bug spray. I will also stop doing bed checks like I have OCD. I will be able to go to the bathroom and the only thing I will keep my eye out for is one of my son’s Archie magazines, not tarantula’s.

So my brother and sister in law have been house sitting for me and emailed me last week to let me know that my hot water got turned off. I remember Union Gas or whoever calling to remind me to pay and between all the shifts and all the planning I just didn’t. Also because I procrastinate. So anyway… what I am most looking forward to is a hot shower and of course that’s the one thing that won’t happen until early next week.

I’ve been thinking about this all week and half heartedly bugging my brother to suck it up and take a cold shower. But now I’d like to make it a whole-hearted challenge for not just my brother, but for all of you reading this: for one day, or one time, do something that is uncomfortable to you. If it’s a cold shower, a missed lunch, sleeping on the floor, turning off the A/C… whatever it is that even as you read this you are thinking about changing websites! But why not, even just for one time, make yourself uncomfortable and while you are ‘suffering’ think about the people who do not have such luxuries… And yes, I have heard the argument ‘if they don’t have it, how do they know what they are missing?’ But I’m not buying into that. Because WE know…

Anyway… that’s about all I have for tonight. Lame, I know. But to tell the truth I am emotionally and physically exhausted. I couldn’t have one more deep thought if my life depended on it. Not tonight anyway. But I did talk with Eddie and Jackson from Cite Soleil clinic about their friend today and they wanted to share with you folks about their experience and how much he meant to them… hopefully as you watch you can understand why it is so easy to love them.

Jackson and Eddie Interview

See you soon  🙂

One Love

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