Posted by: Charity Stace | March 12, 2011

Ghosts of Cite Soleil…

Cite Soleil translates into City of Sun. An oxy-moron considering it is one of the darkest cities in the western hemisphere. We have treated gangsters and their families and because of this is why we believe we have been free to come and go into the city. It is not uncommon to hear gunshots ring out, mostly during the night but from time to time during the day. And we just keep on working, going about doing what God has called us to do. They will know that we are Christians by our love…

Here is a link to a Wikipedia article about Cite Soleil

That being said I wanted to share a movie with you called Ghosts of Cite Soleil, a documentary about life in this city. It is not edited by any means so if you are not comfortable hearing an eff-bomb do not click the link. But if you want an idea of where it is we work each day and what we are up against this will give you an idea.

I am sharing the part 1 of the video and the other parts should pop up as you continue to watch.

Prayers of protection are always appreciated. And warranted.

One Love, ♥


  1. Stacey your blogs are so deep and educational…thank you for sharing!

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